Scroll down for details about each service.
Geboortecentrum classroom. 90min.
Held over Zoom. 60min.
Held in the comfort of your home. 120min.
This workshop sets you up for success babywearing your little one from birth. I recommend it for families expecting from 20 weeks pregnancy through the newborn stage.
In this 90min workshop we will dive into understanding why babywearing is such an important, empowering, and supportive resource for new parents and why babies crave it. I will explain what ergonomic babywearing is and how to do it, what to look for in carriers, and how to use various types of slings and carriers. I will also provide printed material to help guide you at home, links to resources and video tutorials, and tips for troubleshooting with a fussy baby. We will practice with my carriers and wraps and demo dolls. You are welcome to bring any carriers/wraps you already have.
In this 1.5 hour workshop we will practice moving your baby around to your back and learn ways to use a carrier on your back. There will be several carriers available to try. We will focus on building confidence in back carrying so you can do it independently.
We will put yoga mats down and the babies can play in-between practicing. There is also coffee and tea. Bring your baby/toddler. All ages are welcome, I recommend the workshop starting from 5-6 months in age.
NEXT: Per request. Need 3 interested adults to arrange.
Held at the Geboortecentrum classroom in Oud West.
I can answer your babywearing questions and help you troubleshoot your carriers via Zoom or other platform. We discuss your needs and desires as a parent and the needs of your child. We then do a detailed lesson on the carrier(s) you own. We take time to practice using your carriers with and without your child. I can also show you other carriers and discuss their benefits/restrictions to help you decide if you are looking to buy a carrier. I will share resources for shopping for used and new carriers online in the appropriate price range.
About 60 min. €65 (exc 21% VAT [if in NL]). Anywhere in the world! We will schedule around time differences, I've worked between many time zones.
*I’m always available to my clients by text and email to answer follow-up questions.*
NOT CURRENTLY OFFERING. I'm taking a break from offering in-home consultations. You can look here to find another babywearing consultant in your area: or message me about an online consultation.
In-home consultation. An introduction to all things babywearing. I bring carriers to your home and show the basics of using different styles of carriers, including wraps. We discuss your needs and desires as a parent and the needs of your child. We then do a detailed lesson on the carrier(s) you are most interested in to suite your needs. We take time to practice using your carriers and/or my carriers with a doll and eventually with your child. I will share resources for shopping for used and new carriers online in the appropriate price range. After the consultation you will receive an email from me with links to everything I showed you and discussed.
For any age baby/toddler, ideal for newborns.
About 120 min. €160 (exc 21% VAT). In Amsterdam.
*I’m always available to my clients by text and email to answer follow-up questions.*
The gift of two free hands is perhaps the best thing you can give new parents!
Contact me to arrange a gift certificate for a consultation or package for a special someone.
For any community** or friends group. Demo, fit-checks, and Q&A adapted to the needs of the group. Suggested group size: 3-8 babywearing individuals.
120 min. Email for pricing.
*I’m always available to all attendees by text and email to answer follow-up questions.*
Email to schedule or with any questions.
You can read my reviews here: &
I do not lend out carriers and I do not sell carriers.
For a schedule of babywearing classes & community events around Amsterdam please see the Calendar.
Please let me know what you are hoping to learn or how I can help you. I look forward to hearing from you!
Wilhelminastraat 40, 1054 WJ Amsterdam, Netherlands
+31628558935 BTW-ID NL00244164B95
e: m: 0628558935 - © 2021 Adapting to Love - All Rights Reserved. - BTW-ID NL00244164B95